Last night was a test for Gaza – the most devastating attacks in three weeks

Last night was a test for Gaza the most

The Israeli army said it carried out 150 strikes on Gaza and killed one of the Hamas commanders.

The Israeli army says it struck 150 underground targets in the northern part of the Gaza Strip last night.

According to the army’s statement, the strikes targeted “terrorist tunnels, underground combat facilities and other underground infrastructure. In addition to this, several Hamas terrorists were killed.”

The army said earlier that it had killed one of the commanders of the extremist organization Hamas, who led the organization’s fighters’ air and drone attacks on Israel.

– During the night, Israeli fighter jets struck Station to Abu Rakaba, to the head of Hamas airstrikes. Abu Rakaba was responsible for Hamas drones, hang gliders, aerial reconnaissance and air defense. He took part in the planning of the October 7 massacre and commanded terrorists who infiltrated Israel using hang gliders. He was also responsible for drone attacks on Israeli military checkpoints, the Israeli armed forces wrote on the X messaging service.

According to the Israeli army, its troops and tanks will remain in northern Gaza for the time being.

British Broadcasting Corporation According to a BBC eyewitness last night’s bombing in Gaza was unprecedented in scale and caused chaos and panic among the residents.

Communication completely cut off

Among the residents of Gaza, the bombardment has led to chaos, as telephone lines and internet connections have been cut, making it impossible to contact loved ones.

Many aid organizations, such as the World Health Organization WHO and Doctors Without Borders, have also reported that they have lost contact with their workers in Gaza. In addition, numerous media outlets have reported that they have lost contact with journalists and contacts in Gaza.

Erdoğan: “Stop the madness”

President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan demanded on Saturday that Israel once again stop the attacks on Gaza.

– Israel’s bombing in Gaza intensified last night. Once again, they targeted women, children and innocent civilians and exacerbated the ongoing humanitarian crisis. Israel must immediately end this madness and stop the attack, Erdoğan wrote message service in X.

The families of the hostages kidnapped by Hamas also demanded an explanation from the army about the fate of their loved ones. Hamas is holding more than 220 hostages.

– No one belonging to the military administration has bothered to meet the families and explain anything, or to say whether the ground operation endangers the lives of the 229 hostages held in Gaza, the group representing the relatives wrote.
