Last minute: US Congress raid follows Trump! This time, they made accusation recommendations to the Ministry of Justice.

Last minute US Congress raid follows Trump This time they

The House of Representatives Special Committee investigating the January 6, 2021, Congressional raid in the USA made recommendations to the Justice Department to impeach former US President Donald Trump.

In its last public session, the committee discussed the report that they will share with the public on the final vote on 21 December today.

In his speech at the session, Member of the House of Representatives Jamie Raskin stated that the committee shared the data they obtained with the legal authorities and that Trump’s “triggering, aiding and preparing the environment for the rebellion”, “trying to prevent an official process”, “conspiracy to disrupt the order of the USA”. stated that he concluded that he may have committed crimes such as “conspiracy by making a false statement”.

In the vote of the committee, it was accepted with the votes of all 9 members to recommend to the Department of Justice that Trump be charged with these crimes.

The committee’s recommendation to the Ministry of Justice is expected to remain largely symbolic. The department does not have to consider all recommendations made to it from committees in Congress and is conducting its own investigation into January 6.

On the other hand, the Committee also made recommendations for disciplinary proceedings against Kevin McCarthy, the Leader of the Republicans in the House of Representatives, and other Republican figures.


Established in June 2021 to investigate the US Congress raid on January 6, 2021, the House of Representatives Special Committee has so far held 8 public hearings, taken statements from more than a thousand people, secretly or openly, and examined tens of thousands of pages of documents.

The mandate of the January 6 investigation committee expires at the end of this year.

The committee has called many people close to Trump to testify, and Trump’s former adviser Steve Bannon and his former private secretary, Mark Meadows, who did not comply with these calls, were accused of “insulting the Congress”. (AA)
