last minute | US airstrike on Syria! Iran-linked targets hit

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

Last minute: The US army announced that it carried out air strikes in eastern Syria targeting the areas used by the militias supported by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards. In the statement, it was stated that the militias were shot in Deir ez-Zor and that the attack was carried out “to limit the risk of tension and minimize the risk of casualties”.


“Today’s attacks were necessary to protect and defend US personnel,” Colonel Joe Buccino, spokesman for the US Central Command, said in a statement.

Buccino made the following statements in his statement;

‘At the instruction of President Biden, US military forces conducted precision air strikes in Deir ez-Zor, Syria today. These precision strikes are aimed at defending and protecting US forces from attacks similar to those carried out on August 15 by Iran-backed groups against US personnel.’
