last minute | Ukrainian leader Zelensky’s ‘referendum’ statement! The statement that the whole world has been waiting for came from Russia

last minute Ukrainian leader Zelenskys referendum statement The statement

last minute | After the ‘referendum’ of the President of Ukraine, Vladimir Zelenskiy, a new statement came from Russia. Kremlin Spokesperson Peskov stated that the negotiations are progressing very slowly and said, “Ukraine is a sovereign state and there can and should be some kind of internal procedure. But besides this, there is an item that is under negotiation between the two delegations. I cannot go into the details of these items. At the moment we believe that making them public can only harm the negotiation process. It is already going much slower and more uncertain than we would like,” he said.


Stating that Russia’s proposals were presented not only by the negotiating team but also to the Ukrainian side in written drafts, Peskov said, “Our negotiation team has full authority and the necessary information, and has the necessary political will of the president. Now it’s our Ukrainian counterparts’ turn. They (Ukrainian delegation) know the position of our negotiating team well. A few days ago, the necessary draft texts were delivered to the Ukrainians, not only verbally but also in writing.”


President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelenskiy said in a statement yesterday that the Ukrainian people should decide on Russia’s demands and said, “As I told the negotiation teams, while you are talking about all these changes, they may be of historical nature, we cannot go anywhere, we will come to a referendum. The public will decide on the format of reconciliation, but what they will be will be a matter of our negotiations with Russia. For this reason, I am ready to walk this path with our people and to do everything in any case.”

