Last minute: Ukraine statement from US President Joe Biden! He announced, “I gave the order”

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

Last minute… US President Joe Biden made important statements about the ongoing conflicts between Russia and Ukraine. US President Biden announced that they will provide Ukraine with $800 million worth of new defense aid, including anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons.


Biden said, “We are determined to continue the military aid. I have ordered 800 million dollars in aid to Ukraine” and stated that they will provide 800 million dollars worth of new defense aid to Ukraine, including anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons.


Biden said that they announced a new $800 million aid package to Ukraine today and said, “This package includes 800 anti-aircraft systems. Thus, we will ensure that Ukraine continues to stop aircraft and helicopters that attack them and violate their airspace. Longer range to Ukraine. ” he said.

Noting that the package in question includes small arms, machine guns and various weapons, Biden said, “There will also be unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in this package. We do not do all this alone. Our partners and allies also support aid.” used the phrases.


Underlining that the United States and its allies are always ready to provide Ukraine with the necessary equipment, Biden said, “Now I will be honest with you, this will be a long and difficult war, but the American people’s support for Ukraine against Putin’s immoral attacks on civilians. It will always last.” said.

Expressing that the USA has also increased its humanitarian aid to Ukraine, Biden noted that they have provided 300 million dollars of humanitarian aid to Ukraine and its neighboring countries in just the last week.

Biden underlined that while the Putin administration is weakening further with economic sanctions, Ukraine will try to strengthen its hand in the negotiations, “We will do everything we can to end this tragic and unnecessary war with our partner and allied countries.” he said.

After his speech, Biden signed the decree regarding the package in question. (AA)
