Last minute: They were involved in the Ukraine crisis! “If war breaks out, our side…”

Last minute They were involved in the Ukraine crisis If

Last minute… While rumors continued that Russia would launch an attack on Ukraine, a striking statement was made by the Tel Aviv administration. Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid said, “We will stand by the United States if there is a war between Russia and Ukraine.” used the phrases.

Foreign Minister Lapid made a statement to Israeli Channel 12 television.

Lapid said that they estimated that the probability of Russia invading Ukraine was lower than the US’s assessment, but that they were definitely preparing for it.


Lapid, who stated that they took care to maintain good relations with Russia, emphasized that they would naturally stand by their allies, the USA.

Regarding the possibility of Israel’s participation in the sanctions to be applied to Russia, Lapid said, “We are willing to maintain security coordination and good relations with Russia, but we need to evaluate this issue.” he said.

Noting that the Israeli government cares about the Jewish population in Russia and Ukraine, Lapid emphasized that the importance of this assessment is in the Israeli decision-making mechanism.

“Our situation is somewhat similar to the Baltic states.” Pointing to Russia’s presence and interests in Syria, Lapid said, “For all purposes and purposes, we have borders with Russia and borders with Syria.” used the phrases. (AA)
