last minute | The eyes of the world will be there: The date of the four-way meeting, in which Turkey will also attend, has been announced! Minister Akar: We will not take a decision that will put them in trouble

last minute The eyes of the world will be

Breaking news: Minister of National Defense Akar stated that the meeting is planned to be held in Moscow tomorrow, in his statement regarding the ‘four-way meeting’ that will include Turkey, Russia, Syria and Iran. Making an assessment on the Syrian issue, Akar said, “We can never take any situation or decision that will put our Syrian brothers in trouble. Let them be at ease. This attitude of ours should be known and acted accordingly.”


Akar answered the question about Türkiye-Syria relations.

Reminding that a trilateral meeting was held in Moscow on December 28 with the participation of the Ministers of Defense and Intelligence of Turkey, Russia and Syria, Akar stated that an agreement was reached to continue these at the meeting where mutual views were exchanged.

Minister of National Defense Hulusi Akar went to Moscow with Hakan Fidan, Head of the National Intelligence Organization (MIT).

Minister Akar said:

“In the later studies, views were exchanged regarding the participation of Iran in these meetings. This was deemed appropriate by the relevant authorities. As a continuation of this meeting, our preparations continue for a meeting that will be attended by the defense ministers and intelligence chiefs, this time as a quartet. This meeting is planned to be held in Moscow. Our aim is to solve the problems here through negotiations and to bring peace and tranquility to the region as soon as possible.”


Stating that the relations and contacts continue within the framework of mutual respect, Akar said, “We expect some positive developments to take place following the meeting. We, as the Ministry of Turkey, make every effort to contribute to regional peace.” he said.


Explaining that Turkey is determined in the fight against terrorism, that it does not desire additional immigration, they aim to ensure that the Syrians in Turkey return to their lands and homes voluntarily, safely and respectfully after the necessary conditions are met, Akar continued as follows:

“Besides, we have Syrian brothers and sisters with whom we are together, whether in Turkey or in Syria. It is out of the question for us to take any situation or decision that will put them in trouble. Let them be at ease. This attitude should be known by everyone and acted accordingly. We follow a very clear policy in this regard.”

