LAST MINUTE | Space telescope James Webb launched into space! The world’s largest and most advanced

LAST MINUTE Space telescope James Webb launched into space

Last Minute: The world’s largest and most advanced telescope, James Webb, was launched into space. It was stated that James Webb will be the leading observatory of the next 10 years. Webb Telescope is expected to answer questions about our solar system, delve deeper into exoplanets and the universe than ever before, while uncovering clues in the ongoing search for life outside of Earth. Here are all the details…


The Webb Telescope was originally planned in 1989 to replace the Hubble Space Telescope launched in 1990, and construction first began in 2004.

Thousands of experts from 14 different countries spent a total of 40 million hours building the telescope. The Webb Telescope, which was finally announced on December 18, was postponed to December 22 due to a glitch. The teams, who made determinations in the disruption experienced, announced that the observatory was not damaged and reported that it was refueled on 3 December.


Considered the world’s most powerful and complex space observatory, Webb will orbit about 1 million miles (1.6 million kilometers) from Earth in about 1 month and begin collecting the first data and images in 2022. Webb Telescope is expected to answer questions about our solar system, delve deeper into exoplanets and the universe than ever before, while uncovering clues in the ongoing search for life outside of Earth.

Stating that the telescope is equipped with a mirror that can extend 6.5 meters, NASA said that in this way, the telescope will collect a lot of light and more details will be observed.


NASA teams realized that due to the size of the mirror in the telescope it would not fit in the rocket, they designed the Telescope as a series of moving parts that could be folded in an origami style and fit into a 5 meter space.

While the Webb Telescope, which is said to be the leading observatory of the next 10 years, was broadcast by NASA before the launch, the launch moment was watched live on NASA’s TV channel and website at 06:00 on Saturday.

