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Breaking news… Iran announced that an Iranian-flagged ship was detained by the Greek government on the Greek coast and the oil carried by the ship was seized upon the request of the USA.

GREECE confiscated

According to the statement made by the Iranian Ports and Maritime Authority, it was stated that the Iranian ship, which took shelter on the Greek shores due to adverse weather conditions, was detained.

In the statement, “An Iranian-flagged ship was detained by the Greek government on the shores of this country. With the court decision and the coordination of the USA, the ship’s cargo was also seized. Unfortunately, no help was provided to the ship, which took refuge on the Greek shores to ensure the safety of the crew and itself.” statements were included.


Expressing that the oil carried by the ship was evacuated by military officers, “This is a clear example of piracy.” it was said.

The statement called on the Greek government to fulfill its international obligations and immediately release the Iranian ship. (AA)
