Last Minute: New 5-point offer from Azerbaijan to Armenia

Last Minute New 5 point offer from Azerbaijan to Armenia

Breaking news: There has been a new development between Azerbaijan and Armenia. Azerbaijan presented a new 5-point proposal to the Armenian administration for the normalization of relations. Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Ceyhun Bayramov evaluated Azerbaijan-Armenia relations to AA correspondent within the scope of Antalya Diplomacy Forum 2022 (ADF), of which Anadolu Agency (AA) is the “Global Communication Partner”.


Stating that the main reason for the lack of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan for many years is the “occupation factor”, Bayramov said, “Everyone knows that for more than 30 years, since the early 90s, Armenia has occupied Azerbaijani lands by force and Azerbaijani citizens have been displaced.” said.

Pointing out that despite the four UN Security Council resolutions taken in favor of Azerbaijan, no result could be obtained regarding the occupation, Bayramov said, “This has also been the main obstacle to the establishment of our relations.” used the phrase.


Expressing that Azerbaijan gave very clear messages on this issue after the 44-day Homeland War started on September 27, 2020 for the liberation of the lands occupied by Armenia, Bayramov said, “The message was this: The ‘occupation’ factor that caused our relations has now disappeared. In this case, the Azerbaijani side is in favor of normalizing relations with Armenia despite all the difficulties and problems of the past.” he said.

Recalling that Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev gave the message “We are ready to sign peace” to Armenia a year ago, Bayramov continued as follows:

“There has been no response to our offer by Armenia for nearly a year. To show its goodwill, the Azerbaijani side recently made a new offer to Armenia. The proposal is a comprehensive document if Armenia thinks that it is not ready to work on a ceasefire already. It may be because… We proposed to the Armenian side some basic principles, which essentially include the normalization of relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia. We expressed and confirmed our opinion in accordance with the basic principles and traditions on the regulation of relations between states. We said, ‘We are ready to develop relations on the basis of certain principles. .’ “Armenia should look at these and express its opinion. If Armenia sincerely wants the relations to be normalized, this is a very good opportunity for them. Armenia’s response will be clear soon, and we will of course take the appropriate steps from now on.”


Noting that the proposal was sent recently, Bayramov said, “A one-page document. The basic principles were determined and these principles were proposed. If the Armenian side wants the relations to be normalized, they should immediately report their approach to this proposal. I must say that all the principles recorded in that document are principles of international relations, there are no unusual comments there.” used the phrase.

Stating that the issue of determining the borders between the two countries, which has been underlined many times by Azerbaijan, is among these proposals, Bayramov stated that the Azerbaijani side offered to resolve these issues, but Armenia always put forward preconditions.

Emphasizing that the preconditions for starting the process are unacceptable, Bayramov said, “A bilateral cooperation group should be established and this group should start its work.” he said.

Regarding Azerbaijan’s offer to Armenia, Bayramov said, “There are five main articles. Our views are listed in five.” said.

Reminding that the offer they made to Armenia about a year ago remained unanswered, Bayramov said, “We will soon see how sincere the Armenian side is by looking at its response to this second offer.” he said. (AA)
