LAST MINUTE | Kadyrov chose his side, the conflict is imminent! Chechen troops reached Rostov, the center of the uprising

LAST MINUTE Kadyrov chose his side the conflict is

Last minute: While the armed uprising started by the Russian mercenary group Wagner continues, counter moves continue to come from Moscow. The leader of the Russian-affiliated Republic of Chechnya, Ramazan Kadyrov, took action after announcing his support to Russian President Vladimir Putin against the Wagner rebellion.


Accusing Wagner’s leader Evgeny Prigojin of treason, Kadyrov sent Chechen troops to Rostov, the center of the rebellion against the Wagner warriors. Moving to Rostov under Wagner’s control, a large number of Chechen troops entered the region towards the evening.

Chechen Troops Arrive in ROSTOV

While Chechen troops reach Rostov with armored vehicles and equipment, Wagner fighters continue to wait at critical points of Rostov. Residents of Rostov continue to leave the city against possible conflicts.

