Last Minute: From the Ukrainian ambassador to the ‘3. World War ‘out! ‘Russia is committing genocide’

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

According to the breaking news, Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine continues without slowing down on its third day. Vasil Bodnar, Ukraine’s Ambassador to Ankara, made striking statements regarding Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine. Bodnar appealed to the whole world.

Bodnar’s explanations are as follows;

We gathered in a peaceful demonstration. We protest against the war in Ukraine. Today, the Russian federation continues in Ukraine for 3 days. This is a genocide against the Ukrainian people. Dozens of civilians lost their lives today. All the peoples living in Ukraine, including the Russians, suffer from this war.

It’s not a war against Ukraine, it’s a 3rd world war. Belarus is now involved in this war and Russia wants to include Kazakhstan in this war. It depends on the whole world that this war does not spread to other countries.

We will create an account on behalf of the embassy in the next few days. Those who want to donate to help will invest there. Help Ukraine, ignore the aggressor state.

All the major cities in Ukraine today were defending all night long. The enemy made attempts to seize major cities. We have withstood these attacks and our armed forces continue to defend. During the night, paratroopers wanted to land at some airports in Ukraine. 2 enemy fighter cargo planes were shot down. The loss of life was about 300.

At the same time, the boat that tried to attack from the sea was destroyed. Russia’s attempt at a lightning war fell through. It seems that there are not enough Russian soldiers among them. Our Prime Minister, especially our President of Ukraine, and our Vakans are at their places now and they are working. He continues to rule our country. Do not believe the Russian propaganda. Trust Ukraine. The win will be on our side. We will win.

