Last minute! Chechens fighting against Russia in Ukraine: We came for revenge, our numbers are growing

Last minute Chechens fighting against Russia in Ukraine We came

While Russia’s military operation in Ukraine continues on its 10th day, there are also critical developments in the region. It has been learned that there are Chechens who are in the ranks of Ukraine, as well as the forces loyal to the leader of Chechnya, Ramazan Kadyrov, who have been on the side of Russia since the first day of the war. The group calling themselves “Sheikh Mansur Battalion” stated that they did not see Kadyrov as a Chechen, but stated that they came to Kiev for revenge. Here are the details of the hot development…

Muslim Ceberlov, the commander of the Sheikh Mansur Battalion, founded by Chechens fighting against the Russians in Ukraine, made important statements. According to the news in Yenişafak, Çeberlov stated that they see the war in Ukraine as a continuation of the war in Chechnya and that they were called by the Ukrainian State for the defense of Kyiv.

Expressing that they do not see Ramazan Kadyrov, who is acting together with the Russian army, as a Chechen, Cheberlov said, “They are also Russians and our enemies.”


We came to Mariupol to join the war that started with the annexation of Crimea in 2014. Here we established the Cahar Dudayev and Sheikh Mansur battalion. With the start of peace talks in 2015, we became passive. We became involved in conflicts with the onset of warring.


Our four leaders and thousands of our people were martyred in the two Chechen wars. We came here to take revenge on the Putin regime. We were in Mariupol city before. With these latest conflicts, the Ukrainian administration asked us to come to Kiev. We are in Kiev now. Our relations with the Ukrainian administration are good. I can’t give our number of soldiers, but we are 2-3 times more than when we first started. Our numbers are increasing every day. There are Chechens coming from Europe, via Poland.



Our aim is to take revenge on Russia. If Ukraine falls, the countries in Russia’s immediate vicinity will lose their sovereignty. Because in 1994-95, Djahar Dudayev warned about this a few times. He said that Russia would not stay with Chechnya, Georgia, Crimea and Ukraine would also be invaded by Russia.


Russia thought that the Ukrainian army was unprepared as in 2014 and that the army would surrender. The Russians were stunned when Ukraine gave a massive response. Many Russian soldiers are taken hostage. Likewise, he leaves his military equipment and runs away. The impact of SİHAs in the war is also great.


Stating that he does not see Kadyrov, who is supported by Putin, as a Chechen, Muslim Cheberlov said, “Kadyrov states that he is Russia’s most loyal soldier. We see him as Russian. Therefore, they are also our enemies. We organize all our operations here in consultation with the Ukrainian administration. We do not receive any money from Ukraine in any way,” he said.


Referring to the latest military activity in the region, Çeberlov said that the news that the capital Kiev was surrounded by Russian soldiers was not true. Noting that major clashes continue, Çeberlov said, “The news that Kiev has been surrounded is absolutely false. The Russians are only massing troops on the road coming from the Belarus side. Right now the biggest conflicts are going on there. Other ways are open. If the Ukrainian administration continues to resist, it is not possible for Russia to take Kiev. “If the Ukrainians leave this place, then the Russians can take Kiev,” he said.
