Last Minute: Big shock to Truss! Another crisis in England: The country’s Home Secretary Suella Braverman resigned… The reason was very surprising

Last Minute Big shock to Truss Another crisis in England

Breaking news: While the repercussions of the government crisis in England continued, a news of resignation came to be talked about. Accordingly, British Home Secretary Suella Braverman resigned. Recently, it was reported that Kwasi Kwarteng, who was the Finance Minister in the government of British Prime Minister Liz Truss, was dismissed from her post. Here are the details of the development that will be talked about a lot in England…


Braverman, the Home Secretary appointed by British Prime Minister Liz Truss 43 days ago, has announced that he is leaving his post.

In his resignation letter shared on Twitter, Braverman announced that he had sent an official document using his personal e-mail and resigned from his position on the grounds that he technically violated the rules.


Braverman used the following statements:

“Earlier today, as part of policy engagement and to rally support for the government’s policy on immigration, I sent an official document from my personal email to a trusted colleague in parliament. This is a technical violation of the rule. As you know, the document will be published soon in a Cabinet meeting on immigration. It was a draft of the article. Most of the information was already given to the deputies. Still, it would be right for me to quit my job.”

Braverman stated that as soon as he realized his mistake, he reported it to the official channels and said that the right thing to do as the Minister of Interior was to resign.

Suella Braverman said, “It’s not serious politics to pretend we didn’t make a mistake, move on as if everyone couldn’t see what we did, and hope that everything would magically be okay. I made a mistake, I accept the responsibility, and I resign.” made his statement.

In his letter, Braverman also emphasized that he was concerned about the course of the Truss government, and evaluated that the government did not fulfill its promises to the voters.


Prime Minister Liz Truss expressed her understanding of Breverman’s resignation and said, “I accept your resignation and respect your decision. It is important to comply with the Ministerial Law and respect the confidentiality of the cabinet.”

Braverman served as Attorney General for the UK from 13 February 2020 until 6 September when he was appointed Home Secretary.

Finance Minister Kwasi Kwarteng, who was dismissed by Prime Minister Truss on 14 October, also remained in this post for 38 days.


The UK government has appointed Transport Minister Grant Shapps as the new Home Secretary following the resignation of Suella Braverman, who announced her resignation from her post as Home Secretary. The government has announced that Shapps, who has been Minister of Transport since July 24, 2019, has been appointed Minister of the Interior as of October 19, 2022. Shapps, who made a press statement in front of the Ministry of Interior after the announcement, said that he was honored to assume the role of Minister of Interior. Shapps said the government is going through a turbulent time, but the important thing is to “make sure people are safe”. (UAV/AA)
