Raxxanterax is one of the well-known greats in the ARPG genre and in Diablo 4. Thousands of viewers on YouTube and Twitch regularly rely on his tips. Now the streamer says: Diablo 4 is not an option for him, at least not in the near future. He will now devote himself to Last Epoch.
Who is the player?
This is what Raxxanterax says about Diablo 4: In a new video on YouTube, Raxxanterax talks about his attitude towards Diablo 4. He says the game simply doesn’t offer enough for players like him – i.e. for anyone who really wants to delve deep into the content.
You can grind up to level 100, but after that there is next to nothing to do in the endgame. Uber-Lilith is hardly a challenge anymore and nothing special anymore, nor is a nightmare dungeon at level 100.
Diablo 4 is certainly still excellent for casuals. If you can’t or don’t want to put a lot of time into the game, you’ll get your money’s worth with the campaign and the grind up to level 70 or 80. But after that it’s over.
Raxxanterax says that Diablo 4 would have needed another year of development. The base is good, there is just a lack of filling material. Now he hopes that the content will come later and wants to devote himself to other projects in the meantime. His current plan is Last Epoch.
Here you can see the latest class from Last Epoch in the trailer:
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“I’m all about teaching people – there’s nothing to teach in Diablo 4”
The streamer says he definitely wants to remain a content creator, especially because he likes to pass on knowledge. He couldn’t do that in Diablo 4 because there was nothing to teach. That’s why he now wants to get involved in Last Epoch:
I like making guides. I like knowing what I’m talking about. I want to level to level 100 100 times so that my level guide is one of the best, if not the best. […] It looks like the best new ARPG coming soon is Last Epoch. Everyone loves this, everyone says it has a great endgame and crafting system.
Last Epoch is seen as major competition for Diablo 4, which is slowly gaining more and more attention on Steam. It has been in open development for years and regularly receives new content.
But Raxxanterax doesn’t want to stop completely with Diablo 4, he just doesn’t have to “practice” it. He’s still playing it to stay up to date and hopes that there will finally be enough to do with Season 3. He just needs something else in the meantime.
In addition to Last Epoch, Path of Exile is also very popular at Raxxanterax. Here the streamer wants to wait for the release of PoE 2. There are already too many experts for the first part, so getting involved here is probably not worth it. Nevertheless, he wants to at least “warm up” a little for part 2.
Raxxanterax also has its eye on Riot’s upcoming MMO. He says MMOs and grinding are right up his alley. He could imagine looking in here a little. When the MMO will come is still completely unclear:
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