The larynx is part of the respiratory system. It is made up of the vocal cords that we use to speak.
Definition: what is the larynx?
The larynx is an organ located in the neck, it constitutes a central part of the respiratory system. “It is an organ used for speaking, breathing and eating. It is the organ of speech, it connects the throat to the trachea“, summarizes Jacques Majer, ENT in Vincennes. doctor larynx specialist is the otolaryngologist – ENT. “However, if the larynx is irritated in the event of gastroesophageal reflux, the specialist to consult is the gastroenterologist because the origin of the pain is not ENT.”
Anatomy and diagram of the larynx
The larynx is a complex assembly made up of cartilages, ligaments and muscles. It is made up of two vocal cords, a bone called the hyoid bone, cartilage and laryngeal muscles. Its main parts are:
- The epiglottis: “a cartilage that folds over the laryngeal tube when swallowing so that food goes into the esophagus.specifies our interlocutor.
- The ventricular bands: ” these are two mucous structures located above the vocal cords“
- The vocal cords: these two bands of muscles located in the middle of the larynx which are the tools of phonation
- Arytenoid cartilages : they allow you to put tension on the vocal cords
- The thyroid cartilage: visible outside the body, it constitutes what we call in common parlance “Adam’s apple“.
What is the function of the larynx?
The larynx is part of the respiratory system and allows the passage of air during inspiration and expiration. It also a role during swallowing, to prevent food from passing into the trachea. The larynx is finally the main organ of phonation and makes it possible to emit sounds because it houses the vocal cords and its muscles modulate the sound. “These vocal cords contract so that we can speak. They open and move in coordination with the lungs to breathe. They close to prevent food and water from passing through the trachea and therefore into the lungs when we eat. explains Jacques Majer.
Larynx pain: a worrying sign?
“In reality, people have a sore throat without really knowing if they have a sore throat, a sore larynx, a sore pharynx. They feel a pain in the throat, without further details”, notes the ENT doctor. Pain may require a consultation with your general practitioner. “After several weeks, if pain does not go away, if it lasts without being able to explain it, the general practitioner will refer the patient to an ENT specialist.adds the specialist.
What are the diseases of the larynx?
Many conditions can affect the larynx. Among them :
► Infectious pathologies such as laryngitis (viral or bacterial)
► Tumor pathologies : “Laryngeal cancers are often linked to smoking but also to the HPV virus in recent years. It is the most common ENT cancer with around 3,000 new cases per year.specifies Dr Majer.
► Irritant pathologies: “They concern people who put a lot of strain on their voice and therefore on their larynx. This can create a polyp, a cyst, a nodule which modifies the voice.
► Certain autoimmune diseases affect several organs including the larynx. “This is the case for sarcoidosis, lupus, granulomatosis, etc.“, adds the ENT.
What are the larynx examinations?
The very first examination of the larynx is‘physical examination – observation through the mouth, palpation. We can then distinguish:
► Indirect laryngoscopy: “There are several techniques. In the mirror, it allows you to look at the larynx upside down by projection. Fiberoscopy is a camera inserted into the nose that goes down into the throat and allows you to visualize the larynx and vocal cords. We can also observe the larynx via the mouth with rigid optics“. An indirect laryngoscopy can be performed in the consultation office.
► Direct laryngoscopy requires general anesthesia. It allows exploration of the larynx using a rigid tube, magnifying optics, and a microscope. The examination is carried out by a surgeon in a hospital setting. It can also allow a biopsy and therapeutic procedures to be carried out.
► The scanner allows you to observe the larynx and the region around the larynx.
Thanks to Dr Jacques Majer, ENT in Vincennes.