Larvae in elderly wounds on Vardaga – Municipal Chairman is raging

Larvae in elderly wounds on Vardaga Municipal Chairman is
Municipal chairman praises the whistleblowers: “stands up for what is right”



The union Municipal is raging after Aftonbladet’s disclosure of deficiencies in a retirement home, owned by the care company Vardaga.

There, a resident’s wounds of larvae – while the staff testify to how they were forced to save on hygiene material.

– That the company ducks and says that this is not so serious, the astonishing, says Malin Ragnegård, chairman of the municipality.


HELSCRACK Ragnegård, Municipal Chairman responds to the alarm about larvae in the elderly’s wounds and that staff are forced to save on hygiene articles. “I am incredibly saddened for those who work in this business Photo: Fredrik Sandin Carlson

Aftonbladet’s disclosure about the elderly residence Silverpark in Täby, where a resident received larvae in a wound – but where the staff was invited to keep quiet about the incident, have aroused strong reactions. The accommodation is owned by Vardaga, and is part of the Welfare Group Ambea, which made SEK 1.4 billion last year.

– What a human view. You are both cursed and provoked by this is allowed in our common welfare, how we as a society can allow profits to go for good care, says Malin Ragnegård, chairman of the trade union Municipal.

Everyday’s answer is that larvae in wounds are “fully natural” and something that is not normally reported, but is rinsed away with water.

– It is not common to seek hospital care if larvae are found in a wound, says Ulrika Wall, Head of Operations at Silverpark, to Aftonbladet.


The full -screen day believes that it is natural with larvae in wounds in the elderly, and that it is something that is normally flushing away with water. They dismiss criticism from whistleblowers that the staff is understaffed and that they save on hygiene articles. Photo: Carolina Bymo

Praises the whistleblowers: “MOD”

The fact that staff testifies to how pictures of the larvae were deleted, and how they were ordered not to talk about what happened, is very serious, according to the Municipal. The union sees a major problem with private actors who try to silence their staff or threaten reprisals.

– It is really revealing that you make a statement that way. And that the staff is asked to keep quiet, it is also absolutely astonishing, says Malin Ragnegård, chairman of the Municipal.

She praises the whistleblowers who have nevertheless alerted to both the municipality, authorities and told in the media.

– It is fortunate that there are experienced, professional welfare workers as nurses, who actually have the courage to stand up for what is right and alert about these obvious deficiencies.

Vardaga denies the criticism – defends wound care

Everyday responsible also denies the criticism that the staff would be understaffed at the accommodation and forced to save on hygiene material. They also do not agree that there are deficiencies in how wounds are documented or taken care of at Silverpark, despite the fact that three cases where the wounds of the elderly have developed badly discovered last year.

According to schedules that Aftonbladet took part in, a lone nursing staff works in the department with nine demented elderly during shift changes several times a day, which according to the staff means that they do not have time to shower elderly who are dirty or are forced to leave them with diapers full of stools or urine.

Completely unreasonable, according to Municipal Chairman.

– Here we see very clearly that you have cut down on the staff density and this means that you do not get the right conditions for conducting the work you want. I am very sorry to read that you let older people are treated in this way and silent those who work and have competence around this, says Malin Ragnegård.
