Larry Nassar, guilty of multiple sexual assaults, was stabbed in prison

Larry Nassar guilty of multiple sexual assaults was stabbed in

The former doctor of the American gymnastics team, detained for dozens of sexual assaults, was stabbed in prison on Sunday July 9. Larry Nassar is in stable condition, according to a Florida prison official.

With our correspondent in Miami, David Thomson

Larry Nassar was stabbed ten times by another inmate. The former doctor for the United States Olympic gymnastics team is injured in the neck and chest, but is in stable condition, according to a prison union official.

After being rescued by a guard, 59-year-old Nassar was transferred to a hospital. The motive for his attack is not yet known.

In the USA, the name of Larry Nassar is a symbol in itself. The symbol of systemic sexual assault in high performance sport. He is serving his sentence in a high-security federal prison in Sumterville, Florida. He had been sentenced, in 2017 and 2018, to life imprisonment for rape and sexual assault on at least 265 gymnasts. Among them are several of America’s most famous Olympic medalists. Most were minors at the time.

Read alsoUnited States: an investigation to understand why no one stopped Nassar
