Large spill of oil in Norway

– It is a relatively large discharge that has flowed into Glomma. There is a larger bird sanctuary to the south of the release site, which is naturally now under threat, says a police operations leader to the newspaper.

In the bird reserve there are more than 250 registered species. According to Jørn Bustgaard, preparedness manager in Fredrikstad municipality, the focus of the work is on limiting the damage and preventing further spread, writes VG with reference to Fredriksstad Blad.

Police: Probably an accident

The police tell VG that the leak has been located at a company, but that several circumstances surrounding the incident are still unclear. To NRK say the police on the spot that it is probably an accident.

– I would say that it is an accident. No one does this with intention and will, says police operations leader Svein Roger Lunde.

Several hours of work to prevent further spread remain, the rescue service informs NRK.
