Large sculpture exhibition on Öland – 25 artists participate

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The idea for the 15-month-long sculpture exhibition came after Björn Jäderås read a book about Öland’s test field.

– I read a book about Öland’s test field and so I was out looking at these lids and thought it would be fun to make something out of it. So I sent out my project idea to the members of the union, then we asked the property owners and they thought it was okay that we exhibited here, so that’s how we ended up here in the seriousness of Öland, says Björn Jäderås, project manager.

The theme of the exhibition is calibration and is inspired by the calibration of measured values ​​that took place on the test field according to Björn.

– The calibration was the basis in the lids and then you can say that when you make a sculpture, it is a kind of calibration as well. You have an idea of ​​what the sculpture should look like so you try to make it so, it is a kind of calibration as well.

See more about the exhibition in the clip above.
