Large salary differences for recent graduates

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Facts: Top ten

Median entry salaries in various industries for graduates in 2022:

1 Education (authority administration) SEK 35,400.

2 Service companies SEK 35,000.

3 Insurance SEK 34,500.

4 Industry SEK 34,400.

5 Lawyer and law firm SEK 34,000.

6 Bank SEK 34,000.

7 Finance SEK 34,000.

8 IT SEK 33,900.

9 Property SEK 33,900.

10 Municipality or regional administration SEK 33,500.

Source: Akavia and Dagens industri

Public activities in education, such as work at universities, have the highest starting salary, with SEK 35,400. That the sector competes with teachers who have an even higher starting salary is an explanation, writes Today’s industry.

Second highest on the list are service companies such as consulting companies, with a median starting salary of SEK 35,000.

At the bottom of the list are courts, where new hires can expect a starting salary of SEK 29,100. The reason for the relatively low salary is that many lawyers do a turn as a notary, a kind of internship with supervision and further training. Accountants have a slightly higher starting salary of SEK 30,400.

The differences between different industries often have a general, simple explanation:

– Everything is based on the availability of labour, if it is popular to work at a certain workplace, wages can be driven down because there are many people who want to go there, says Akavia’s salary expert Caroline Lindeberg to Di.

Around 46,000 people have answered the survey.
