Large killer whale floated ashore outside Gothenburg: “Thought it was a boat”

It was during Sunday morning that the killer whale was found at the port. Helen Jonsson, who lives in Billdal, was on her way down to the harbor this morning to check on her boat the day after the storm. – At first I thought it was a boat that had overturned, that was lying with the hull up. Then we saw that it was something whale-like at about 7-8 meters. She alerted the police and in the meantime more and more people gathered to watch the orca. They opened its mouth and could tell by the teeth that it must have been dead for a while. – It must have come in with the storm that has been, otherwise someone should have seen it earlier, says Helen. According to Helen, the police would take care of the situation, but the orca is currently still in the harbor, where more and more locals are gathering to catch a glimpse. – It is Sunday and the weather is fine, so many people are now moving around the harbor and watching. It’s an exciting thing. It really wasn’t what you had in mind when you went down to the harbor today, says Helen Jonsson. As recently as May this year, another killer whale was found dead, then at Hunnebostrand.
