Large increases in garbage collection to be expected: “Bad, bad”

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Several municipalities are now announcing increases in the garbage tax to compensate for more expensive emission rights and increased fuel prices.

Östersund, Gothenburg and Umeå are just three in a row of municipalities that intend to raise the rate for household waste. In Umeå, there is a proposal on the municipal council’s table for an increase of 28 percent.

And the new proposal is not liked by everyone.

– Bad, bad when we have the sorting we have here in Umeå, we should be able to keep it at the same level as the remaining years back in time, says villa owner Per Anders Holmgren.

A report that came out earlier this week shows that waste prices have increased by 4.3 percent in the past year and there are big differences in the country. It costs SEK 2,449 more in Staffanstorp, which was the most expensive in 2021, compared to Örebro, which was the cheapest.

In the player above: The cleaning manager in Umeå explains the increase.
