Large housing shortage in the county – despite the fact that it has been fully built

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Last year, construction began on 2,309 apartments in the county, which is almost twice as many as the year before. 1,346 apartments were also completed. Despite this, there is a great housing shortage in the county.

– We can see that housing construction is high in the county, but at the same time eleven out of thirteen municipalities state that they have a housing shortage, says Sofia Carlén who is project manager at the County Administrative Board in Jönköping County.

In the clip above, she tells why so many municipalities state that they have a housing shortage.

May get worse in the future

Every year, the County Administrative Board of Jönköping County publishes a housing market analysis based on a survey sent out by the National Board of Housing, Building and Planning. There, each municipality must assess what the housing situation looks like and what their forecast is in the future. The analysis is also based on statistics from Statistics Sweden, Statistics Sweden.

The analysis is based on figures collected before the turn of the year, ie before the war in Ukraine started and before inflation rose to the high level we have today.

– It will probably affect the analysis that the municipalities do based on what has happened during the spring. We will only see this next year when we do a new analysis, but it should affect in some way given the signals we receive now, says Sofia Carlén.
