Large crowds for Erieau’s Art on the Boulevard

Large crowds for Erieaus Art on the Boulevard

A large crowd came out for Erieau’s Art on the Boulevard on Saturday, with approximately 100 vendors lining the lakeside village.

The annual event, which had been sidelined for two years due to the pandemic, offered visitors a chance to purchase art pieces, clothing, household goods and many other items.

Mary Lynn Pickering, event co-ordinator, said organizers and participants were eager to return.

“It feels fantastic. The committee is super excited. The artists are super excited. The shoppers,” she said. “Everyone is just really thrilled.”

Pickering said the event scaled back the number of vendors slightly in order to make more green space available within the boulevard due to the number of people expected.

She added that Saturday’s co-operative weather was a bonus and that crowds were close to what they were in 2019, the year before the pandemic.

“We could not have ordered up a better day,” she said. “Temperature-wise and wind-wise. Sometimes we have some trouble with the wind.”

Pickering admitted there’s always “some element of worry” with planning events, given the on-again, off-again public-health restrictions related to gatherings during the past two years.”

However, the organizers made the decision in April to go ahead with this year’s event.

She said organizers are already thinking about next year’s Art on the Boulevard, noting that interested participants should keep their eyes out in February for further details online.
