Lapidus on the verdict: 16-year-old receives the most severe punishment

15-year-old Henrik was murdered last October by a boy of the same age, after disappearing from his home in Alingsås. Today, the verdict came against the 16-year-old boy who carried out the murder.

“Unusual to see such gross violence”

Legal expert Jens Lapidus comments on the unusualness of the case.

– It is above all the brutality in this. It is very unusual to see such gross violence, such excessive violence, especially from young people in this way, says Lapidus in Efter fem.

140 stab and cut injuries were identified on 15-year-old Henrik, when he was found dead in the water. The two boys must have agreed to meet at the place and time Henrik disappeared.

– There has been some kind of conflict down here and the guy who was sentenced has now expressed irritation towards the murdered boy. The district court cannot ascertain with certainty any motive for what was actually behind it, says Jens Lapidus.

Has no parry damage

The 16-year-old boy claims that he acted in self-defence or in putative self-defense, which means that he was believed to be acting in self-defense but that the violence was excessive.

– The district court says that the number of stabs in itself, and that the boy who is being sentenced does not have any repulsive injuries, such as scratch marks from nails or marks from being involved in some kind of target, means that the district court does not believe that he has tried to defend himself. Then he should have had something small to show that he had been attacked.

Sentenced to closed youth care

It was at 11 a.m. today that the 16-year-old was sentenced to four years in closed youth care for murder and grave breach of peace.

– What the District Court says is that if he had been 18, he would have been sentenced to life imprisonment. The crime is very brutal. He also shows no signs of remorse even in the District Court, says Jens Lapidus.

The boy has also been sent in for investigation for forensic psychiatric care, where he has been allowed to see psychologists and undergo tests.

– It was concluded that he did not suffer from a serious mental disorder. Despite the brutal and unimaginable nature of this act, the boy was not, at least in the legal sense, under a serious mental disorder, says Jens Lapidus.

As he received the highest sentence you can receive when you are under 18, it is likely that the sentence will be appealed, according to Lapidus.

Yesterday 17:34

16-year-old sentenced for the murder of Henrik – the expert comments

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