For 90 years the Langton Women’s Institute has advocated for social change and helping women.
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“There have been changes, yes, but some things haven’t changed,” said Vivian Lloyd, president of the Langton Women’s Institute. “We still offer education programming and community support. We still advocate for social and economic change and work towards the personal growth of all women, for home and country.”
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The service group celebrated its milestone last Thursday at the Langton Community Centre.
Lloyd said the Women’s Institute still works to promote safe communities in Ontario and the pursuit of enriched and balanced lifestyles.
“We still hold to our values of mutual respect, communication, mutual support, healthy members and healthy environment.
“We follow in the footsteps of those who came before us, and hopefully leave our own footprints for others to follow. We strive in our work and use our talents towards making our world a better place. Each member does her part, and all have a part to play, no matter how big or small.”
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A 10-year pin was presented to Ann Wall, and a 30-year pin presented to Mary DeCloet.
“We feel very proud and lucky to have with us someone who is getting a pin for 70 years of Institute, and that is Dorothy Priddle,” said Lloyd, presenting the pin to Priddle, a 97-year-old life member.
Other Langton WI members include Ilene Chesterman, Alma Codling, Marie Dickens, Johanna Handke, Dorothy Hemstra, Lynn Jennings, Susan Kershaw, Trudy Konopetski, Mary McElhone, Pat McLaren, Carol Overbaugh, Yvette Robbins, Jackie Wulleman and Jenny Zamecnik.
Guests included members from the Norfolk District Women’s Institute, Hamilton Area, and Federated Women’s Institutes of Ontario, Haldimand-Norfolk MPP Bobbi Ann Brady, former MPP Toby Barrett, Norfolk Mayor Amy Martin, Norfolk Ward 2 Councilor Linda Vandendriessche, and members of the Langton Lions Club.
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Looking back to 1934 when the Langton branch formed, MPP Brady said it would have been a very tough time for many in the area during the Great Depression.
“I think the timing of the Langton WI was very apropos because it would have given locals that sense of comfort, and very much a sense of hope,” said Brady. “And you, Langton WI women, gave rural women a voice at a very, very difficult time in history. It’s something that you should be very proud of. And what you gave as the simple idea of pulling women together to become active citizens has grown to be one of the world’s most recognized women’s organizations.
“You all do things that other women do not do, and you should be very, very proud of that. And over the years, the amount of change that you have affected and influenced is absolutely astonishing.”
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