Landowners in Töcksfors worried about expensive road damage

After the storm Hans and subsequent rainy weather, road associations for 22 individual roads in Värmland contacted the Swedish Transport Administration to apply for grants. So far, the damage is estimated to cost SEK 2.5 million.

In Töcksfors, the Skrädene/Porsmossen road association estimates road damage of between SEK 50-100,000.

– We have SEK 37,000 in our cash register, we don’t know if we have the right to apply for grants or not, says Olle Nilsson, the chairman of the road association.

The association in Töcksfors essentially has two individual roads, on one of which there have been two road breaks when the road masses were washed away.

– We received 116 millimeters of rain in a few hours in August, it’s completely different weather now than before, says the association’s chairman Olle Nilsson.

See the road damage the association has to repair in the clip and hear how chairman Hans Nilsson thinks the association can be forced to solve it financially.

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