Landlord sentenced after balcony fall

Landlord sentenced after balcony fall

Published: Less than 2 hours ago

full screen The boy fell six meters from a balcony. Archive image unrelated to the event. Photo: Ali Lorestani/TT

A 14-year-old boy fell six meters through a balcony floor – now a property owner and landlord in Ludvika has to pay SEK 300,000 in corporate fines, and is sentenced to a suspended sentence, reports SVT Dalarna.

The boy fell from the balcony when the floor broke, and suffered, among other things, fractures to both feet. The size of the damages has not yet been determined.

– The boy still has problems with his feet. I think that the boy and the family want to be able to put this behind them, says the boy’s attorney Lars Morell to the channel.

The boy’s mother had pointed out damage to the balcony floor several times before.
