Norfolk County is moving ahead with a land transfer that will provide it with a large parking lot in port dover.
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County Staff Received an Unsolicited proposition from the Owner of a Property Adjacent to the Clinton avenue Municipal Parking Lot Requesting to Purchase the County-Owned Land.
In Return for the County Agreeing To has of the land, the owner owner, identified as 1000033566 wentario Inc., Will Transfer Ownership of 25 St. Andrew St. In Port Dover to the County and Pay to Put A Parking Lot there.
A Report to Council Last Month Said The New Parking Lot On St. Andrew Will Be substantially Larger Than The One On Clinton Street, With Twice As Much Available Parking. It will have been conducted for future PAID TERMINALS PARKING, AND ELECTRICAL VEHICLE CHARGING STATIONS AND LIGHT CALES WILL BE INSTALLADE. The lot will have a public pathway to main street.
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The cost of demolition of the existing house at 25 St. Andrew, and Legal Fees also will be paid for by the NuMbered Company.
At a Council-in-Committee Meeting On Tuesday, A Delegate Representing the Homeowner at 24 St. Andrew St., Directly across from the proposed new parking lot, asked the municipality for insurance owner owners in the area won’t suffer.
“There are Numerous Homeowners Along St. Andrew Street who will be Negatively Impacted by the proposed the Larger of the Lot,” Said the Delegate, Noting Increased Traffic and on-upstre parking congestion, and Increased Noise from Vehicles and People.
MOST concerning, he Said, is Increased Night Light Pollution from Both the parking lot Pole Lights and from Headlights and Taillights of Vehicle Entering and Leaving the Lot.
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“The Hours of Operation Will Impact Homeowners’ Quiet Use of Their Front Yards, Potles and Individual Driveway Access.”
Brandon Sloan, Norfolk’s General Manager of Community Development, Said Potential Issues Will Be Dealt With Through Site Plan Control, included Privacy Fencing and Landscaping So Lighting isn’t direct at adjacent. Sloan Said Site Plan Control Can also with Drainage, Configuration and Access Points of the Parking Lot, and Mitigation of Garbage.
When Asked by Coun. Adam Veri If Residents WOULD “Have some assurance that before we call this a done deal,” The Matters Raised Would Be Addressed, Sloan Said they would.
Councilors Agreed to Move Forward with the Land Transfer. Final Approval is required at an upcoming Council Meeting.