Land of fires, Pichetto thinks of appointment commissioner

Land of fires Pichetto thinks of appointment commissioner

(Finance) – The Minister of the Environment Pichetto Fratin announces the possible appointment of a Commissioner for the land of firesfollowing the Judgment of the European Court of Human Rights. The Court – recalled the minister – sentenced Italy for violation of article 2 of the Convention (right to life) for the Failure In the adoption of resolutive measures to the phenomenon of pollution of the territory of the “land of fires”, before the adoption of the decree-law 136 of 2013, considered the first response on a national scale to the phenomenon of pollution of the territory of the land of fires “. .

For about ten years nowone was put on the field plurality of actions who have tried to achieve the objectives of environmental remediation and the protection of citizens’ health, “explained the owner of the Mase in an audition at the Commission on ecomafias, recognizing that”objectively what has been done is not enoughand it is clear that A further momentum must be given to actions of recovery restraint “.

For this reason, the minister does not exclude the appointment of a commissioner or in any case of a unique organism, one royal cabin formed by mayors, region and provinces involved, which can give an acceleration to the solution of the problem, streamlining the skills in the field e solving the problem of the crowding of entities involved.

Entering specifically the problem of OReclamation peationsPichetto recalled that the area of ​​the “land of fires” is not identified as a site of national interest (SIN) and that, therefore, the competence for the reclamation procedure is not attributed to the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Safety, But to the Campania Region. For this he diedthe commitment of the Ministry is to quickly reach a positive conclusion of the perimeter of the SIN of the vast area of ​​Giugliano, in order to give an immediate signal to the territory and also to the requests of the European Court itself.

Regarding the funding relating to reclamation activities, The competent structures of the Ministry have managed the procedures of Transfer to the Campania Region of the residual resources present in the special accounting of the Delegate De Biase Commissioner, in charge in 2010 to provide for the realization of the urgent safety and remediation of the areas of Giugliano and the ponds of Castelvolturno, after the approval of a specific plan of proposed interventions from the same region in 2021.

“The framework of the activities just described and the other carried out by the local and national authorities have not avoided a negative judgment “of the European Court – admitted the minister – “La lack of organicity in the action of the authorities in charge, the slowness and partiality of some interventions These are elements that suggest that the Italian authorities have not acted with the diligence required by the severity of the situation and have not shown that they have done everything that could be requested to protect the recurrent lives “.

Italy was condemned to adopt, without delay and in any case within two years From the date on which the sentence will become definitive, General measures capable of adequately dealing with the phenomenon of the pollution in question, in line with the recommendations outlined by the same sentence, namely: the adoption of a global strategy that unites the existing and those proposed; the adoption of an independent monitoring mechanism; the creation of a public information platform.

The actions that the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Safety will put in the coming months will be marked by a strong spirit of institutional collaboration, without prejudice to the specific skills of each institutional actor “, concluded Pichetto.
