land law, pensions, school… Jordan Bardella specifies his program for Matignon – L’Express

land law pensions school… Jordan Bardella specifies his program for

“We are ready to govern.” Jordan Bardella presented this Monday morning the program of the National Rally for these legislative elections. From pensions to immigration, including National Education, the one who claims the post of Prime Minister only in the event of an “absolute majority” has listed the measures which will be implemented by the RN in the event of victory for his camp .

Bardella repeats that he will only be Prime Minister in the event of an “absolute majority”

Jordan Bardella has once again assured him: he will not be Prime Minister without an “absolute majority” of the National Rally in the National Assembly. “We agree to form a government if we have the legitimacy to do so and if we have the absolute majority” he said, explaining that he did not want to go “15 days” to Matignon for “personal glory”.

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The president of the RN affirmed that he “does not intend to be a collaborator” of Emmanuel Macron if he becomes Prime Minister, explaining that he will be “intransigent” on the policy he would lead at Matignon. While assuring that his camp will not be “a crushing majority” or a “closed” majority. According to him, the RN’s way of governing will be “made of listening, dialogue, respect with social partners, intermediary bodies, bypassed and flouted for seven years”.

At school, a “big bang” of authority

Uniform, cell phones, greetings… Jordan Bardella proposed “a big bang of authority” at school “from the start of the school year in September”. “Mobile phones will be banned in educational establishments including high schools,” he explained in particular, believing that schools “must become zones of digital sobriety”.

The president of the RN promised that “teachers’ attendance” would become obligatory, and also defended the continuation of “experiments with the wearing of uniforms”, saying he was personally “in favor of its establishment in primary schools, but also in college”.

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Speaking in front of Marine Le Pen and in particular Eric Ciotti, the president of LR who concluded an alliance with the RN, he promised to “remake the school an inviolable asylum where the quarrels of men do not enter”. Jordan Bardella is committed to putting an end to “the ideology of no wave and the decline of the Republic in its own institutions”, ensuring that the State will “systematically” support teachers, with the establishment of “penalties floor in disciplinary councils” and the creation of specialized centers to accommodate “disruptive or harassing students”.

On immigration, abolition of land rights and refusal of certain strategic positions to dual nationals

On the subject of immigration, the president of the National Rally confirmed that he wanted to abolish land law, which “is no longer justified in a world of 8 billion people”. Jordan Bardella also wants to “reestablish the crime of illegal residence”, in order to allow more “foreign delinquents and criminals” to be expelled.

The putative candidate for Matignon also confirmed his desire to reserve “the most strategic positions of the State for French citizens and French nationals”; to understand, refuse them to dual nationals. A way, according to him, “to protect ourselves from attempts at interference which could be orchestrated by foreign states with regard to the interests of French interests”.

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Finally, on one of the strongest measures of Marine Le Pen’s presidential program in 2022, a referendum on immigration in order to modify the Constitution, Jordan Bardella assured that he wanted to try to “convince the President of the Republic” of the ‘organize.

Minimum sentences and minimum sentences

In order to deal with “wilderness which weakens our rights and freedoms” and to “put authority back at the heart of public action” Jordan Bardella proposes in particular to establish “minimum sentences and minimum sentences”, which must make it possible to “break recidivism”.

The president of the RN also proposes to “suspend family allowances for parents of repeat minors”, as well as to “end the minority excuse”.

“Clarifying” the position on pensions

During his press conference, the president of the National Rally explained that he wanted to “clarify the position” of his camp on the subject of pensions, while many had pointed the finger at the successive backpedaling of the RN on this subject in recent days. Jordan Bardella thus ensured that the return of retirement at 60 “from the fall” for certain French people, particularly for “long careers”. “The objective is a return to a departure at age 62 with 42 annuities,” he assured, affirming that a “progressive timetable will be implemented”.

The refusal of an “escalation” against Russia in Ukraine

Jordan Bardella assured that he would be “extremely vigilant (in the face) of attempts at interference by Russia”, if he came to power. “I consider Russia as a multidimensional threat both for France and for Europe,” declared the president of the National Rally, whose party is regularly singled out for its proximity to Vladimir Putin.

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“Russia is today contesting French interests, for several months, several years in our areas of historical influence in Africa, in the Black Sea and also in our overseas territories, by taking up the cause in particular for the Comoros” in the migration crisis affecting Mayotte, added the one who aspires to become Prime Minister.

While saying he was “in favor of logistical and defense equipment support for Ukraine being able to continue”, Jordan Bardella reaffirmed “his very clear red lines”. He refuses on the one hand “the sending of troops on Ukrainian soil” and on the other hand the sending of “long-range missiles or military equipment” which could “directly strike Russian cities”. “This would create the conditions for interference by France and the conditions for an escalation against a power which is a nuclear power,” he judged.
