Lamine Diagne, in the footsteps of Claude McKay

Lamine Diagne in the footsteps of Claude McKay

The planets are aligned: 2023 will be the year of Claude McKay. It must be said that with Christiane Taubira as godmother of this famous McKay year, it helps. But who is this Claude McKay?

What is the relationship between this Jamaican novelist poet from New York and the city of Marseille? And what is the link between him and the Harlem Renaissance (this movement for the revival of African-American culture between the wars)? To all these questions, multiple, artistic answers, in the form of documentaries Mckay from Harlem to Marseille signed Matthieu Verdeil and musical and literary creation KAY! Letters to a deceased poet of our guest Lamine Diagne, musician storyteller, ally of several worlds. So it seems to me that there is some chatter in the air….

Lamine Diagne’s musical choices

The Lounge Lizards Voice of Chunk

Gaël Faye Metis

Lauren Hill Used to love him
