Lambton County is inviting the public to check out a downtown Sarnia center connecting job seekers and employers.

Lambton County is inviting the public to check out a downtown Sarnia center connecting job seekers and employers.
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When the province recently changed how it delivers services for those seeking work, the City of Windsor was selected to manage the regional program and Lambton became a local service provider.
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An open house will be held at the Lambton Works Center May 22, from 10 am to noon, in the lobby of the Lambton Shared Services Center downtown at 162 Lochiel St. The public, job hunters and employers are welcome.
The shared services center, housing offices for Ontario Works and other county services, already had a resource center to help people look for work or connect with other services, said program supervisor Lisa Jacaruso.
“We were kind of more in-house services for Ontario Works,” she said. “Now we’re open to the public. Anyone can walk in the door, and they will be able to access services in the resource center.”
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It offers computers, copiers, printers and staff to “help them navigate the job market and also access community services,” said Jacaruso.
The center nine staff, including seven case workers and two front-line workers, “do everything, from start to finish” in helping people find work, she said.
That includes exploring careers they’re interested in and connecting them with local opportunities, Jacaruso said.
“There’s lots of jobs, but lots of people still working for work,” she said. “That connection piece is where we come into play.”
Connecting job seekers with employers seeking workers is “not as easy as one might think,” she said, particularly in the digital age.
“Not everyone has the digital literacy skills that are necessary,” Jacaruso said. Even if a position doesn’t require those skills, “they need to know how to use a computer to apply. So, we’re here to do all of that.”
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Center staff can help clients set up online recruiting site and email accounts, create a resume, and “prepare for going to an interview and how to present yourself well,” she said.
“Our program is very focused on coaching and mentoring people,” Jacaruso said. “We walk alongside them.”
Staff also work with local employers to help fill jobs, she said. “We’re that middle person between the job seeker and employer to help make a meaningful match happen.”
There’s also funding available to help job seekers who meet the criteria with such things as safety boots or bus passes, Jacaruso said.
The works center will also use space in libraries around the county. “We have staff on site on particular days and times,” listed at said.
“People can walk up and ask questions,” she said. “They don’t have to register or anything. They can just get the service right on the spot.”
Center staff also are available to meet with clients around the county, Jacaruso said.
“We’re mobile. We’ll go to your local Tim’s if that’s where you’re comfortable,” she said. “We know the bricks-and-mortar government doesn’t work for all people.”
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