One Furry Celebrity was missing from this Year’s Ground Hog Day Lineup.
Heaven’s Wildlife Harvey, A Ground Hog Who Lives at the Wildlife Rescue in Lambton County and Began Making Ground Hog Day Predictions in 2022, Spent That February Morning this Year Warm and Inside Instratead Heading Out To Look for His Shadow.
“He’s withdrawn now,” Said Peggy Jenkins, Founder of Heaven’s Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Center.
Harvey is “Moving Slowly” and Has Had Some Dental Issues Recently, She Said. “He’s Thin and Looking Just Like A Frail Old Man.”
At nine Years Old, Harvey is “Ancient for a Ground Hog,” Jenkins Said.
Harvey Came to the Center as An Animal About Six Years Ago and Took Over the Prognosticator Role in 2022 after the Death of Sheldon, A Fellow Ground Hog Who Made the Annual Predication Under the Stage Name of Oil Springs Ollie.
Harvey was found and kept as a pet before he cams to the center, and spend too much with people to be released into the wild. AS One of the Center’s Education Animals, He Travelled with Jenkins and Volunteers to Community and Information Events.

Sheldon Had a Similar History when He Came to the Center in 2014. He Soon made his first public appearance and prediction as a grind hog day personality, joining such luminaries as wiarton Willie, Shubenacadie Sam and Punxsutawney Phil.

It’s not known when Lambton Residents Might Once Again Have a Weather-Predicting Ground Hog of Their Own.
“It depends,” Jenkins Said. “If we Ever Get Another Ground Hog That Can’t be Released, that would be fine.”
But the timing is hard to predict.
“It Could be five years,” She Said. “Who Knows, right?”

Ollie and Harvey Took Part in Ground Hog Day Events in Oil Springs, Sarnia, Wyoming and at Elementary Schools in the Area.
Harvey’s Last Public Ground Hog Day Appearance was last year at the Oil Museum of Canada.
The Volunteer-Run Wildlife Rescue Relies on Donations to Fund Its Work of Taking in Orphaned and Injured Wild Animals and Nursing Them Back to Health So They Can Be Remedy Back Into the Wild.
Information be found on its website,
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