Lambton County recognizes ‘heritage champions’

Lambton County marked its 175th anniversary this week by honoring 27 local “heritage champions.”

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Heritage champion medals were presented at Wednesday’s county council meeting.

During Heritage Week earlier this year, the county invited residents to nominate candidates for the honor recognizing individuals who have helped preserve and promote the county’s heritage.

“Today, we celebrate the invaluable contributions of these champions who have worked tirelessly to safeguard Lambton County’s heritage for generations to come,” said Warden Kevin Marriott.

“These champions have been identified by their communities for demonstrating remarkable commitment for the conservation, restoration and promotion of our local heritage and identity,” he said.

Containers are:

  • Alan Campbell, for his dedicated support of the local Ontario Genealogical Society branch.
  • Arkona Lions Club, for preserving and interpreting Devonian-Era fossils, minerals and artifacts found in the local area at the Arkona Lions Museum and Information Centre.
  • Bill Dokter Masonry, for restoration of a historic commercial building at 599 Broadway St. in Wyoming.
  • Charlie Fairbank, for drawing attention to the oil history of Enniskillen Township for more than 50 years, engaging government, industry associations, media, educational institutions and the community in preserving and celebrating Lambton’s oil heritage.
  • The late George Smith, a historian and local history author, for his work with the Lambton County Historical Society and heritage advocacy.
  • Greg Stott, for promoting county history as an author and historian
  • Helen Danby, for researching and recording the history of local Imperial Order of the Daughters of the Empire (IODE) chapters, and as IODE Ontario’s volunteer archivist.
  • Heritage St. Clair Committee, for preserving and promoting St. Clair Township’s history, including heritage advocacy, programs, events, advice to the municipality and interpretive signs.
  • John Rochon, for his work in local historical research and promoting awareness of county history.
  • Kip Cuthbert, for researching and writing about the stories of Sarnia and Lambton County for over 50 years.
  • Kiwanis Club of Forest, for rehabilitating and expanding the community’s 107-year-old Kineto Theatre.
  • Krystyna Stalmach, for promoting Polish-Canadian heritage and the experiences of Polish immigrants through research, tours and exhibitions.
  • Lambton Agricultural Hall of Fame, for honoring individuals, groups and businesses that have had a positive influence on agriculture and the county’s rural community.
  • Lambton County Developmental Services, for restoring and converting the former post office in downtown Petrolia to create accessible, affordable housing and street-front shops.
  • Lambton Shores Phragmites Community Group, for working to preserve the county’s natural heritage by removing and controlling invasive phragmites.
  • Liz Welsh, for preserving and celebrating Petrolia’s through the Petrolia heritage advisory committee, Lambton County Historical Society and Petrolia Discovery.
  • Marg Scott, for preserving Point Edward’s history and making research and historical artifacts available at the Point Edward Library.
  • Marjorie Cumming, for promoting Brooke-Alvinston’s history and her work with the Lambton County Historical Society.
  • Mary and Paul Janes, for preserving Warwick Township’s heritage through research, scanning old photos, contributing to historical publications and developing video projects celebrating local history.
  • Pat McGee, for advocating for Oil Springs’ oil history, and collaborating with the county and Oil Museum of Canada National Historic Site to raise awareness of Lambton’s oil heritage.
  • Plympton-Wyoming Historical Society, for preserving community history through its museum, community events and programs.
  • Ray Lloyd, for his work with the Lambton County Historical Society and collecting to preserve county history.
  • Shelley Lucier-Lord, for her work with the Sombra Museum, supporting the museum’s collections, exhibits, events and programs.
  • Shirley Perriam, for preserving and promoting Arkona and area heritage.
  • Steve Loxton, for his local heritage advocacy efforts and work to preserve the Cull Drain Bridge.
  • Sydenham Antique Club, for celebrating Dawn-Euphemia’s rural heritage through the annual Grand Ole Power Days event.

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