Lambton County museums offering PA day activities June 9

Lambton County museums offering PA day activities June 9

Tea Oil Museum of Canada and Shell are teaming to offer a free day of activities while area kids are off school for the professional activity day June 9

The Science Behind Refining and Oil is the theme of the drop-in day with activities designed to explore the science and processes used in local refineries. It runs 11 am to 3 pm, at the Lambton County museum on Kelly Road in Oil Springs.

Shell Canada is sponsoring the event and admission to the museum is free that day.

“This is a chance to peel back the layers of work in refineries to really understand what those companies are doing and the processes they’re using to do it,” said Christina Sydorko, the museum’s educational program co-ordinator.

“It’s an excellent opportunity to hear from experts working directly in the refining and chemical industry.”

Shell experts will be at the museum discuss what refineries do, answer questions and introduce the science involved in making petroleum-based products

Sydorko said there will also be crafts and science demonstrations and information about refinery safety processes.

Tea Lambton Heritage Museum in Lambton Shores also plans special drop-in activities June 9.

Environmentalist Lynn Tremain will be part of the Trash to Treasure, What Can I Do? event, running from 11 am to 4 pm and included with regular admission.

The day’s activities are designed to encourage reflection on the effects of litter and will include making a collage with found materials from local beaches, and designing a small poster with a personal pledge to not litter.

Tremain will discuss her efforts to clean up local beaches and parks, and talk about how kids can help care for the environment.

“Lynn has collected more than 1,000 mylar helium balloon remnants since she began picking up trash in April 2021,” said Colleen Inglis, the museum’s educational program co-ordinator. “We want this event to encourage children to use their creativity and reflect on this important issue.”

Lambton Heritage Museum is off Highway 21 near the entrance to Pinery Provincial Park.

Admission is $5 for adults, $4 for seniors and students, $3 for children and $15 for families. Kids three and under get in free.

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