Lambton College has taken another step toward opening a new student residence in Sarnia by selecting three developers to submit proposals to build and operate a replacement for its current student housing in a former hotel on London Road.
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Campus Assets Inc., Southside Construction Management Ltd. and Tilbury Capital Corp. have made a shortlist to submit project proposals following a request for qualifications in early March, the college said.
“We hope to have the successful proposal chosen in spring-summer 2024 and then we’ll enter into a design phase,” college president Rob Kardas said.
It’s hoped the facility can open in 2027-2028, he said.
“We’re really excited to take this next step.”

Response to the college’s request for qualifications exceeded expectations, Kardas said.
“We ended up with six very capable and very good companies,” and three were short-listed to continue in the selection process, he said. “It was great to see.”
Lambton is seeking proposals from the developers to design, build, finance, operate and maintain a 300- to 350-bed residence on the campus in Sarnia to replace the current residence that has 140 double rooms.
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“Our proposed site is a little deeper into campus,” in the area of the college’s North Building, Kardas said.
He said previously the current residence is still “a good building, but we know it’s time we update.”
The new residence is expected to be “modernized” with “an inclusive feel to it, in terms of the way its set up,” and offer “a more supportive living environment,” Kardas said.
As well as student accommodations, the new residence is expected to include “grab-and-go” food services and gathering areas for students.
The developers will be asked to show how their proposal will “ensure a welcoming and enjoyable environment for students,” and “support underrepresented student populations, Indigenous students and international students,” the college said.
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Kardas said Lambton College is expecting to have 4,500 to 5,000 students enrolled this coming fall.
“To have a private developer come in and basically do everything from design, to operate, finance, maintain is something that certainly is happening at a lot of other college and university campuses,” he said.
“It still gives us some input into what happens but, ultimately, it also does not tie up the college’s capital reserves.”
That makes those resources available for other college projects, Kardas said.
The Sarnia campus has already changed considerably in recent years with the addition of a new wing for health programs and a new gym, as well as a renewed technology wing.
Kardas said work is finishing up now on renovations to the main building’s west “bridge” entrance and college store.
Just recently, the college announced plans to construct an Indigenous gathering space on the campus, as well as upgrading of the college’s soccer pitch – to be renamed Cestar field – and new outdoor social and activity areas for students.
“We’re not stopping, that’s for sure,” Kardas said about improvements to the campus.
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