An Antiques Roadshow-inspired look into Lambton’s past is making stops at local libraries and community centers, as the county marks it’s 175th anniversary.
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“We won’t be valuing the items … it’ll just be more getting the stories from them,” said Lambton County spokesperson Emily Bisson about the inspiration behind Lambton 175 Show and Tell.
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“We thought, how can we get a bigger understanding of what Lambton’s history is, and how can we find out what’s out there while also giving the community the chance to show off the cool items that they have,” Bisson said.
Old family photographs, diaries chronicling local life from another age, recipes passed down through generations, ledgers from family businesses, and old school or team uniforms are some things people should consider bringing by, officials said, in a news release.
Plans are, with people’s permission, to catalog items in the county’s system, including taking photos and video, said Bisson.
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“So that we’re informed” if local museums could use an item to enhance an exhibit, or to help with historical research, she said.
“We would have those contacts, to reach out and ask them about it,” she said.
People may also learn more about their items if they register what they’re bringing and when at lambtonmuseums.ca/showshe said.
If they do, “we can come more prepared with some research,” Bisson said.
Showing up without registering is also fine, she said.
“But if they register, we’ll have an idea of what they’re bringing and can come a bit more prepared.”
People have been interested in sharing their historical items with local libraries and museums in the past, but there’s never been an open call before for people to bring by their historical curiosities, she said.
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“We’re looking forward to seeing how the community reacts,” she said.
The most interesting items will be featured in a presentation on Oct. 9, at 6:30 pm at the Sarnia Library theater, she said, noting cultural services personnel will be on hand to talk about the items and answer questions.
County officials ask people not to bring firearms to Show and Tell stops, for safety reasons, she said.
“Just because we can’t guarantee that they’re not faulty,” she said.
“Bladed items like swords… if people bring them in sheaths, that’s fine.”
Other celebration-year initiatives include tree plantings, reintroducing the Doors Open event in September, offering free admission at county museums, and holding celebrations at the June 5 council meetings.
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May 30 is the anniversary date of the Baldwin Act that established Lambton County in 1849.
Officials plan to plant 175 native tulip trees at the Oil Museum of Canada national historic site Thursday to mark the occasion.
More details are available at lambtononline.ca.
Lambton 175 Show and Tell dates and locations:
• Alvinston Library: June 6, 10 am to noon
• Clearwater Library (lower hall): June 11, 2-4 p.m.
• Mooretown Library: June 24, 1-3 p.m.
• Watford Community Centre: July 11, 10 am to noon
• Forest Library: July 18, 6-8 p.m.
• Lambton Heritage Museum: July 27, 1-3 p.m.
• Sarnia Library: Aug. 1:3-5 p.m.
• Camlachie Library: Aug. 17, 10 am to noon
• Oil Museum: Aug. 22.6-8 p.m.
• Florence Community Center: Sept. 12, 1-3 p.m.
• Petrolia YMCA: Sept. 14, 10 a.m. to noon
• Brigden Library: Sept. 25, 1-3 p.m.
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