Lactic acid: definition, sport, cramp, eliminate it

Lactic acid definition sport cramp eliminate it

Naturally produced by the body, especially during sport, lactic acid facilitates the use of glucose. But in excessive quantity, it can be harmful to the organism. Effects, dosage… Understand.

Definition: what is lactic acid?

Lactic acid is a substance produced by red blood cellsmuscle cells and skin cells, as well as by the kidneys, when oxygen is lacking, especially during a very intense muscular exercise. “It metabolizes glucose, a substance that provides energy for the body”, explains Dr. Christophe Delong, sports doctor.

It is produced naturally by the body during physical exertion and disappears one hour later. They are also found in the dairy products, wine, fruits and vegetables.

Lactic acid and muscles

Muscle cells produce lactic acid when the muscles are intensively mobilized. “During physical exercise, lactic acid is produced in large quantities by muscle cells. The amount of lactic acid synthesized by working muscles is directly related to the training of the muscle groups concerned, the intensity of the exercise and the quantity of cells stimulated. It is then released and captured by the liver where it participates in gluconeogenesis, that is to say the production of glucose. He allows the use of energy contained in lactic acid by other better oxygenated body cells” explains Dr. Delong.

Lactic acid and cramps

It is this acid which is responsible for muscle cramps in case of too much accumulation.

Lactic acid and sport

When practicing a physical activity, the muscles need a maximum of oxygen. If they lack it, they secrete lactic acid, a mode of production that allows them to use glucose. If, at the end of the effort, the blood circulation is not sufficient to evacuate it, it irritates the nerve fibers and causes pain and burns.

The best is to reduce stress but without stopping it completely in order to stimulate blood circulation and promote the elimination of waste. It is therefore necessary to favor gentle physical activities such as stretching, cycling, walking… for 20 to 30 minutes. Taking a cold shower, wearing compression garments or resorting to electrostimulation are other tricks to evacuate lactic acid.

Dosage and normal level of lactic acid

Its dosage is a blood test. It allows to detect lactic acidosis. “There are 2 main types of lactic acidosis: lactic acidosis type A which is the necrosis of an organ or viscus and lactic acidosis type B, whose multiple metabolic causes, and which is less serious”says Dr. Delong.

Some symptoms characterize this disease:

  • A difficult breath
  • Diffuse pain
  • muscle cramps
  • Nausea and vomiting

THE sampling is generally done in the fold of the elbow. THE normal values of lactic acid in the venous blood are included between 4.5 and 19.8 mg/dl. Below, it may be a sign that the body lacks oxygen. Above, it can be a sign of diseases such as respiratory, renal or ventricular failure, diabetes, leukemia…

Thanks to Dr. Christophe Delong, sports doctor.
