Lack of oil – accommodation may be without heat

Lack of oil accommodation may be without heat
full screen Skellefteå residents are asked to reduce the use of heat and hot water due to non-delivery of oil to Skellefteå Kratf’s district heating plant. Archive image. Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT

Skellefteå Kraft’s district heating plant is short of oil, which affects hundreds of properties in Skellefteå.

– It is a critical situation, a very unusual situation, says Mimmi Jonsson, communications manager at Skellefteå Kraft to Aftonbladet.

The reason is the severe cold, which meant that the district heating plant did not receive enough oil, which is used as fuel for the boilers.

– Our suppliers have problems at their oil depots in ports and in their trucks, so we have not received as much oil as we need, says Mimmi Olsson, communications manager at Skellefteå Kraft to the newspaper.

Skellefteå kraft urges its customers to reduce the use of heat and hot water.
