(Finance) – In December 2024, INPS records a positive annualized balance of 375 thousand work positions in the private sector, highlighting significant growth in the labor market. This result, calculated as the difference between hiring and terminations in the last twelve months, reflects the annual tendential variation driven in particular by permanent contracts: +315 thousand employment relationships. Also for the other contractual types, the tendential variation is positive: +60 thousand employment relationships. These are the data, which analyze in detail the movements of employment relationships, provided byObservatory on the INPS labor market, Curated by the General Coordination Statistical Impathetorial, the Central Revenue Directorate and the Central Computer Technology and Innovation Management.
On the dynamics of flows, overall in 2024 they are recorded 8.1 million hiring Activated in the year, 761 thousand were the transformations for a fixed -term, in stable contracts and 7.7 million cessations.
Facilitations for employment relationships
In 2024 there was a reduction in the activations of incentivized employment relationships equal to -43% compared to the previous year. The contributory exemption measures for young people and women have undergone significant drops (-64% and -21% respectively), but were extended until 31 December 2027, pending the authorization of the European Commission. The “south decontribution” was extended until 30 June 2024, with extension for contracts signed by that date.
Focus on administration relationships
The hiring in administration in 2024 recorded a decrease, with a drop of -6% for permanent contracts and -3% for the term ones. However, the annual balance in December 2024 is positive, with an increase of +2,000 positions.
Occasional work
The number of workers with occasional performance contracts (CPO) increased by +6% compared to December 2023, reaching about 19 thousand units. The medium gross average amount is 288 euros. Even workers paid with the family booklet increased (+2%), with an average remuneration of 173 euros.