Labor, Confael: Establish permanent observatory on security

Labor Confael Establish permanent observatory on security

(Finance) – Un permanent observatory that it meets once a week and that it sees the presence of Inail, INPS, Ministry of Labor, trade unions and companies. This is the proposal of the Confael, European Autonomous Confederation of Workers, to tackle the problem of accidents at work, put forward by the National Executive Council, meeting in Rome on May 16, 17 and 18.

The objective of the observatory – we read in the final document of the Board – is “understand and analytically monitor the phenomenon of accidents at work and the ‘white deaths’, and put in place the necessary corrective measures to avoid as much as possible the grief that unfortunately affects many Italian families “.

Focusing the discussion on the theme of the meeting “Dignity and Safety in the workplace”, the delegates of the Confael management expressed the need for a greater presence of the Territorial Labor Departments for a more incisive control of all construction sites by resorting to the use of digitization and the need to hire and increase the staff of inspectors, currently very lacking . Furthermore, the meeting underlined the difference, in terms of dignity, between men and women which in some working sectors still marks a very wide wage gap and a development of the same working careers. Wage equality e the opportunity to achieve career parity in all occupational sectors is still very often a utopia.

The National Executive Council, in agreement with the Confederal secretariat, asked the general secretary, Domenico Marrella, to represent the Confederation’s concerns and requests to the government. The goal is to obtain immediate responses and to include the issue of safety in the workplace and other issues that emerged during the debate on the government’s political agenda in the coming months, as well as the minimum wage and the reform of social safety nets.
