Labiaplasty: a controversial labia minora operation

Labiaplasty a controversial labia minora operation

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    In recent years, more and more women are resorting to intimate surgery operations. As such, labiaplasty, surgery of the labia minora, is constantly increasing. Why such a trend? Is it justified? The point with Nathalie Grandhomme, sex therapist.

    After the breasts, the buttocks or the lips, it is the turn of the vulva to make its entry into the world of aesthetics. A rising trend.

    Labiaplasty: what is it?

    Labiaplasty reduces the length of the inner lips – more commonly called the “labia minora” – vaginal. Surrounding the vestibule of the vagina, they extend to the clitoris. It is from puberty, under the effect of hormones, that these lips begin to grow and asymmetrically. Labiaplasty therefore consists of cutting them. For some women, it happens that their size is problematic.

    This operation is often performed in women around 40 years old for medical reasons, for example in cases of obesity – where the lips are large in size due to a high fat mass – but also because of a gene caused during walking or during sports“, details Nathalie Grandhomme, sex therapist.

    According to the expert, labiaplasty is no longer only performed for medical reasons, “we note that since the 90s – this fashion which comes from the United States, is more and more carried out for aesthetic reasons. Today, very often very young women decide to have labiaplasty only because they do not like the appearance of their vulva, their sex does not correspond to the [norme] of the society“.

    According to a study published in the International Journal of Impotence Research in 2021, the number of labiaplasties worldwide was 164,667 in 2019, an increase of 24.1% compared to 2018 and 73.3% compared to 2015. In the ranking of cosmetic surgery operations requested by women, labiaplasty occupies 15th place.

    A trend favored by the porn industry

    As the sexologist tells us, this societal norm where a woman’s sex must appear “perfect” (beautiful to observe, as smooth as possible, hairless and flawless) was mainly conveyed by the porn industry.

    This creates a complex because instead of enjoying the present moment, these women will think about their image during the sexual act. In my practice, I rarely see women who accept their bodies completely. Most are unhappy with some part of their body“, explains the expert.

    If we listen to the norms dictated by society, women should have a little girl’s vulva. It is absurd! It would even provoke an incitement to pedophilia“, expresses the shocked expert of this new trend of “design vagina”.

    Are there any risks associated with this procedure?

    According to Nathalie Grandhomme, as with all surgical procedures, there is a risk of infection and hematoma after labiaplasty. A lack of sensation in this area or numbness in the scar may also occur after this operation.

    As the inner lips are erectile, that is to say they swell and they are highly vascularized (the presence of veins and nerves), they are very sensitive. If we cut them, we also cut ourselves off from the pleasure and sensations that this can provide. Conversely, in Congo or Rwanda, women are encouraged to stretch the inner vaginal lips to have more sensations and pleasure.“, explains the expert.

    The expert specifies that from the moment you remove an area sensitive to caress and touch, you lose sensitivity during the sexual act.

    “To mutilate oneself for aesthetic reasons is dramatic”

    To help women accept their bodies, Nathalie Grandhomme wanted to send a message, “you have to stop submitting to these [normes]. To accept your body, to take the time to look at it in a mirror. The vulva is an area that we do not take the time to look at, because it is not very accessible. You have to take the time to appreciate it and then take more pleasure than it can provide.“.

    90% of women have inner labia that protrude. They are longer than the outer lips and this is completely normal. Going to mutilate yourself just for aesthetic reasons, for me it’s dramatic… A woman’s body is magnificent“, is surprised the expert.

    In addition, for a better acceptance of oneself and in particular of one’s vulva, the sex therapist advises to consult an Instagram account named “Vulvacasting“where a woman makes sculptures from casts made of many women.”These vulvas are all different from each other. It’s art. It’s nice. It’s extraordinary“, expresses the sex therapist.
