Labello Challenge on Tiktok: “we cannot speak of a phenomenon at this stage”

Labello Challenge on Tiktok we cannot speak of a phenomenon

This new Tik Tok challenge worries parents, but according to the social network, no incident has been reported to date. Decryption of this challenge which consists in using your stick until there is no more… and to end your life.

What is the Labello challenge?

The Labello Challenge is a new challenge that has been circulating on TikTok since the beginning of May, and which worries parents of young children and teenagers. And for good reason: after finishing your lip balm, this challenge encourages the Internet user to… End his life! A stupid challenge which worries the authorities and which prompted the Ministry of the Interior to publish a message on Twitter to invite the relatives of the young people to be attentive to any change in behavior. Contacted by FranceInfothe ministry wants to be reassuring despite everything and indicates thatno incident has been reported in connection with this Labello Challenge.

The Beiersdorf group “concerned” by this Tiktok challenge

The Beiersdorf group, which owns the Labello brand, said it was “concerned” by this Labello Challenge. “We would like to emphasize that our brand is in no way associated with or in favor of this challenge or any other form of violence or self-harm” specifies the group on BFM Business, encouraging the people concerned or the entourage to “ask help” and “get in touch, for example, with the official helpline provided by the public authorities at 3114”.

Same concern, however, on the side of the Gendarmerie du Nord, which shared a post on Facebook on this subject on May 9.If your child asks you for a labello for no reason, there is this new game/challenge“, specify the gendarmes who invite parents to install parental controls on the devices of their children and to exchange with them on this subject.

Influencers have also alerted via videos to make young people aware of this type of dangerous challenge, especially for the most fragile among them. Especially since many videos published on TikTok do not show much, but the user specifies on a background of music, that he intends to participate. “I’m worried about all these dangerous challenges being shared on social media. My child is only 13 and we try to limit his screen time and settings, but we can’t control everything. ‘he see”, tells us Sandra, mother of Benjamin.

Initially, the challenge was something else entirely. It was the #LabelloKissChallenge which consisted of putting on lip balm, kissing your partner and guessing the scent of the labello. Finally, it would be already fragile and suicidal people who would have taken up the challenge by diverting it as a kind of countdown, to decide to take action.

Labello Challenge: what is TikTok doing against this dangerous challenge?

TikTok has 1 billion users worldwide, and most of the followers are young users. While most of the videos are creative, trendy and artistic, other content challenges and worries. Faced with this new hashtag #labellochallenge, the social network “has clearly identified the challenge and is taking all the measures that violate these community rules” TikTok assures us. “We prohibit content that discusses, encourages, trivializes, or glorifies activities that could lead to suicide, self-harm, or eating disorders.” specify the rules. According to officials of the social network, the number breaking these rules is relatively low, but the figure remains “confidential”. If they do not communicate on the number of young people who have concretely participated in this dangerous challenge, officials believe “that we cannot speak of a “phenomenon at this stage” and that‘”there has been no report concerning the teenagers having been to the end of the challenge”. A specific instruction has also been communicated to the moderators so that they automatically delete the content of Tiktokeurs encouraging them to participate in this type of challenge.
