LA ROCHELLE-TOULOUSE. RUGBY. For the rest of this 15th day of the Top 14, in the rain at Marcel-Deflandre, on this Saturday January 7, Toulouse is left fanny by La Rochelle at the break (23-0). Romain Sazy and Pierre Boudehent scored the tries for the game.

La Rochelle

Toulouse Stadium
22:46 – Toulouse gets a penalty (23-0, 69th)
At 22 meters, facing the poles, the Red and Blacks choose to go into touch.
22:45 – Mauvaka returns to the lawn in this La Rochelle – Toulouse (23-0, 67th)
The two teams are playing 15 against 15.
22:41 – The Reds and Blacks cannot find the solution (23-0, 66′)
For now, Toulouse has still not scored a single point.
22:41 – Hastoy adds two points (23-0, 63rd)
At 15 meters, facing the poles, the opener succeeds in this attempt.
Close to the ruck, Pierre Boudehent scores in power. This is the second try of the game on the side of the Rochelais.
10:37 p.m. – The Maritimes challenge the Rouge et Noir to a scrum (16-0, 60th)
In numerical superiority, the choice is interesting on the part of the Rochelais.
22:34 – La Rochelle insists against Toulouse
The Maritimes no longer take the points by foot. They want a try!
22:32 – Toulouse miraculously pulls out (16-0, 58th)
One meter from the in-goal, a Toulousain managed to steal the ball from Rochelais.
22:31 – La Rochelle goes into touch
The penalty was located 22 meters from the poles, opposite. Alldritt made the choice to go into touch.
10:29 p.m. – Mauvaka receives a yellow card in this La Rochelle – Toulouse (16-0, 55th)
This is already the third warning from Toulouse.
22:27 – Hastoy forces Retière to commit a forward in this La Rochelle – Toulouse (16-0, 53rd)
Under pressure, the Stade Rochelais winger drops the ball when passing the ball. The scrum is in the Toulouse camp.
22:25 – Boudehent is caught at fault
The third line of Stade Rochelais was caught in an illegal position. Ntamack brings his people back to the 22 meters of the Maritimes.
22:24 – Hastoy experiences its first failure in this La Rochelle – Toulouse (19-0, 50th)
This attempt was within the ropes of the opener.