La Perla: the judge also seizes the Management UK company

La Perla the judge also seizes the Management UK company

(Finance) – The delegate judge of the Court of Bologna, Maurizio Atzori, accepted the precautionary request to extend the seizure of the trademark to all of the company’s assets La Perla Management UK, with the appointment of custodians Luca Mandrioli and Andrea Monari for the management of the company. The request, Filctem Cgil and Uiltec Uil report, was presented by the lawyers Bruno Laudi and Francesco Pizzuti on behalf of the Filtcem-Cgil and the workers of La Perla Management UK Ltd. The move to avoid the liquidation of the asset and the sale of the brand announced in an email by the English liquidators.

“There choice of the English liquidators could have serious consequences for La Perla Manufacturing srl – Filctem Cgil and Uiltec Uil explain in a note – because, as can be seen from the procedural files, a Framework Manufacturing Agreement was stipulated between the companies which obliges Manufacturing to sell the products made with the ‘La Perla’ brands ‘ solely to the parent company. Consequently, the possible total liquidation of the parent company would determine, in cascade, the impossibility of continuing the subsidiary’s activitywith the subsequent inevitable liquidation and loss of value of the latter company too, up to the dismissal of all the employees”. A hypothesis that the acronyms try to avoid in every way, “trying to definitively block the actions they want undertaken by the English liquidators and which do not take into account, as the judge also noted in his reasoning, Italian employment protection”.

The dispute is made particularly complicated by the fact that La Perla Manufacturing UK, owner of the brand, is British, as “according to the rules of the crisis code, the Italian jurisdiction has jurisdiction in the management of the crisis of foreign companies that have a dependence here in Italy – he explains the lawyer Bruno Laudi, who assists the unions in this dispute -. The problem is that all this must be inserted into a more complex context due to the fact that with Brexit England is leaving the rules of community origin, we must only use the sources of international law”.
