La France Insoumise criticized in its operation within the Nupes

La France Insoumise criticized in its operation within the Nupes

After a short week of vacation, work has resumed at the National Assembly. But the fifteen days of chaotic debate on pensions are still in everyone’s mind. The deputies of the Nupes met for the first time on February 28 since the end of the discussions while the Insoumis are still criticized by their partners for having slowed down the debates.

For the mea culpa of the Insoumis, it will be necessary to iron. Mathilde Panotthe boss of the group in the Assembly, still refuses to recognize the slightest error in the strategy of its deputies: “ It is out of the question that we begin to hide about what we have done, when we have firmly fought a reform that is hated in the country. We have done useful work, including flushing out all the lies in this reform. »

The other Nupes parties still blame the rebels for not having withdrawn their thousands of amendments despite what had been decided. In the future, the groups will try to communicate better with each other, as explained by the Insoumise Clementine Autain : “ What was decided this morning is to make our intergroup meetings more frequent with all the deputies. Speed ​​up the number of times we see each other to 150. »

La Nupes will also work on a common charter for all the groups. An idea dear to the socialist Arthur Delaporte: “ To regulate collective functioning, obviously we expect more, we always expect more in regulation, collective organization and above all in respect also of the decisions that have been taken and assumed by the collective. “No act two of the Nupes in perspective therefore. Anyway, not right away. The socialists call on the rebels to start by improving their own internal functioning.

►Also read: Pension reform in France: in Lille, the Nupes wants to show its unity against the government
