L must collect support for exchanging the krona for the euro

“It should bring together all those who want to be involved and support us in the work to bring Sweden into a stable and strong currency,” says Liberal leader Johan Pehrson.

— We want to bring together all like-minded people who are interested in productivity, safety and that Sweden should have influence over its own future.

Pehrson calls the 20 years since Sweden decided in a referendum to stay outside the currency union an “experiment”.

— The purpose of the euro is only one. It is to secure prosperity for the grandchildren, he says.

– The other parties will sooner or later, preferably sooner, join our line.

Today, Pehrson, together with the other party leaders, will debate the EU in the Riksdag. It will be a foretaste of the election campaign before the EU parliamentary elections in June next year.

The Liberals have previously gone to EU elections as the most EU-positive party. So also next year.
