L in Norrtälje wants to cancel the collaboration with SD

The liberals in Norrtälje municipality are now taking the next step to cancel the cooperation with the Sweden Democrats – after Kalla fakta’s revelation about the SD’s anonymous accounts.

“We have done what we could to stop the use of troll accounts. Now there is only one way to end this circus once and for all,” writes the Liberals in Norrtälje in a press release.

“Since the Sweden Democrats in Norrtälje have not been able to show any insight into the problem, it means that we remain at our negotiation standstill and will take the initiative for new forms of collaboration,” the party writes further.

Calling for an extraordinary meeting

L in Norrtälje now calls the members to an extraordinary meeting to take a position on the cooperation issue with the SD. The meeting will be held on June 18.

“The group meeting’s recommendation to the members’ meeting is to cancel the collaboration with the Sweden Democrats”, writes L in the press release.

The Norrtälje liberal Robert Beronius has previously issued an ultimatum to the SD after Kalla fakta’s revelation about the Sweden Democrats’ anonymous accounts: No regional money should go to troll accounts, and the SD must show some kind of insight into the problem.
